Saturday, December 15, 2012

Its an animals...and Kids world...enjoy the expirience.

Fox pups at Tawas State Park
Tawas MI
The challenge of taking pictures of wildlife, and kids, isn't that there isn't anything, or anywhere to shoot.  The biggest issue is the same with almost all non-studio photography...timing.  Timing is something that sometimes seems uncontrollable, and to a certain point is.  The trick to timing is the old Boy Scouts motto..."Be Prepared."  When your prepared, your chances of getting that great shot go up dramatically, if your ready for it to happen.  Basically, if you go to a zoo, have the camera in hand...and have a big (zoom) lens...I like having a 55/70 to300mm in hand...really can't go wrong with if your going out to get that first DSLR buy it now...and don't just settle for the 200mm, buy the 300, or at least 250mm...its worth every penny, and your best pricing usually comes with initial purchase.  Sorry, a bit distracted there, but a good time to point it out to those that don't know.
My little Gizmo hunting through the sheets.

Big Bear at the Detroit Zoo
Royal Oak, MI

Peacock strutting his stuff.
Detroit Zoo
Royal Oak, MI
 Kids aren't much different than animals, in that they are spontaneous, active, and the best shots somehow just happen.  The great thing for pictures of kids is that they tend to be more predictable in where they will be to shoot.  You still need to be prepared for their personalities to take over, that's when the magic takes over.  Planned shots are great, but I find that the pics I like the best are the "extra" shots that get one or more of the kids trying to mess up the shot...that's their personality.   Then there are times when its just them being themselves and their experiencing the world.  That is the special glow that just makes those pictures extra special.
Planned shot of the young nieces & nephews

The extra shot...control was slipping quickly...
Neices fooling around with brothers football
Alex in his first car...ok it was his brother's then too...
Now driving a real've been warned.
My nephew Jeremy chill'n in the hammock
My niece Erica...too cute
Ericka, my niece, and her cousin playing a video game...
Te   wonders of kids and animals are what make life worth living, and the reason for having a camera for most of us.  When you pan to be out in the world living life be prepared to get that great shot.  it might come while walking in a park, at a family function, or just while your living life.  Great pictures are there for the take them...plz.
Jake, Alex and a turtle
The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center
Virginia Beach, VA
So enjoy the process and remember your camera. It may just be a walk in woods, on the beach, or through a zoo when a great shot is available, so be prepared.  I have missed more great shots of kids and animals than I have taken, just because I couldn't get the camera set for the shot quick enough.  Be prepared.
Alex. Madison, and Brooke
at Christmas party 2011

Niece Ericka, & dad (Rick...Brother-in-law)

One of the pups at Tawas St park
Tawas, MI

Gizmo being in your face cat.

Brooke, Madison, Nate & Poppie enjoying a chance to play on a public bench.
Frankenmuth, MI

Butterfly at the Detroit Zoo
Royal Oak, MI
The late, great Snowball playing in a basket

Brooke, the dancer admiring one of her Christmas presents.

A squirrel checking me out in Elizabeth Park
Trenton, MI

Jeremy accepting his championship jacket for the Ernie Open 2011

A frog in the Rifle River
Aranac Co. MI

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