Monday, December 12, 2011

Great Shots begin now...Rule 3 - Fill the frame...

Fill the frame.
 Ok that was a hard lesson.  Fill it.  Fill it with something or nothing.  Just don't over fill it.
You can fill the frame with either positive space...that is the main object of the picture.  This can take up some to all of the picture.  I suggest that if it is the main part of the intended picture, then fill the frame with it.  Zoom in,  or out to fill the frame.  That's why you have a flash, and/or move closer to the subject of the picture...all the parents snapping pictures at their kids activities.  Do it.  Sometimes zooming out is as a field of flowers, compared to just one.

Trillium Cross Aranac Co MI

Post and flowers in Trenton, MI
Now its time to go negative.  This is the non subject space of a picture.  I have used brick walls that are 70% of the picture as negative space, because i liked the interplay...its a big part of my self portrait on top of the page.  Its the context giver to a photo.  There are many times that the negative space is the picture.
Wall & window in Wyandotte, MI

Moffit Bridge over The Rifle River in Aranac County from Campfire Trail

Now to .positioning for a great shot is never an accident for me.  I put myself in the best possible It isn't hard...find the view you think you want and shoot it.  I have thought of pictures I plan to take for weeks and months, just waiting for the right shot & time.  I have also had great snap-shots, but even those were not luck.
Nephew Nate Shooting me...
Think before you shoot.

Here is a pre-CHRISTmas gift...
The rule of 3rds and triangles.

With a good number of digital cameras I have seen a 9 box grid that is designed for you to line up your pictures.  Use It!  Most great pictures have a either a strong connection to triangular spacing and/or  thirding of the  folding paper.  If you can keep this in mind, your pictures will be so much better off for it.

Elbow lake in the community of Skidway Lake, MI

Sunset over the Field of Dreams in Iowa

trees along The Rifle River in Aranac Co. MI

Please answer the poll questions. They are designed to show me where I should be going in future postings. Thank you again for stopping by...
Dan Thompson & the advertisers.

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