Saturday, March 3, 2012

America's Next Top Model...Really? My venting on this "reality" show.

Ok... America seems to like this blame the worker, the boss is ALWAYS right show.  This show is severely flawed, down to its very premise, with the notion that the model is the reason for bad photography and bad pictures.  That is absolute garbage.  The models are great.  I haven't found one yet that takes a bad picture...its the photographer that takes the shot, thus they are the reason for the failure of a picture.

Ms. Khaili Conway

It is the decision of the photographer what he shoots, where he shoots, what angle to shoot and when to shoot.  It is all the photographers doing.  The model is just the subject...the clay for the molding.  All she/he needs to do is show up on time and do what the photographer ask. 

? forget her name ... sorry ?
Khaili's model friend in Windsor, ON

Just because you can buy the equipment doesn't mean you should be paid for playing with it.  The hacks they put these poor girls with as photographers is an insult to them...and us both as professionals and viewers...but it does explain all the crap that is out there.

Khaili & friend
Windsor, ON

Oh well, back to reality....

My nephew Jeremy

My nephew Alex


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