Wide open spaces are awe inspiring, but how do you capture that awe? Panorama pictures, thats how. This posting is to help you capture that awe.
The Panorama photo has been around for a very long time. It seems that as soon as photographers started shooting pictures, especially outdoor photography they have been wanting to capture the true grandeur of the world. The best way to do just that was larger than life, seemingly, was/is panoramic shots. These images are used to capture it all to its fullest. To go beyond our normal snap-shot view of the world, and to bring us into the image that makes us part of it. That's in part why TV's are now wider than before, and Cinema-Scope was such a big thing for movies back in the 50's & 60's. Panoramas make us part of the picture, not just an observer.
There are a number of ways to capture a great Panorama. The 2 best ways I have found to do a panorama shot. The easiest way and most predictable, I've found, is by cropping. Cropping is when you cut the image sown to what you want. I sometimes do this after the fact, but mostly I will intentionally from the picture to crop out the top and/or bottom part of the picture. This allows me to be more creative, because I can than determine what I want to keep or leave out of the picture. I can also better adjust the with of the picture, because sometimes I want something not a 3x4 or 16x9, but still longer than a standard picture.
Another great reason to use the cropping method is that t can be done in a single very quick or very slow single shot, such as fireworks. This makes cropping a very practical and easy way of achieving these images.
The 2nd method is also easy and can offer some additional creative options for your shooting pleasures. This is using the panorama mode on your camera. Many of the smart phone cameras come with this built into their systems. The images I have taken with a cell phone can be quite impressive. They can also be very creative. If you do a slow sweep with the camera it should come out nice and smooth shot. You can move it more rapidly and come up with some interesting results. The reason these pics can be so variable is that they use a stitching program that connects together a number of pics together, thus the chances to come up with some unique images. I will use my phone for a creative shooting.
My Sony A-58 also has a similar panorama mode as most smart phones, but its programming is geared towards a much larger and smoother stitching than phone cameras tend to do. I recommend with Dslr cameras to use a tripod as a stable shooting platform. For my intentional shots that I want as an intentional panorama this is my preferred method.
So weather its by cropping or the camera taking panorama pictures can be fun and easy. The key to a good panoramic image are basically the same as with all your images...the rules I started this blog with so many years ago.
Here is a cool bonus tip... you can use your cell phone to take great fireworks and pics in motion by just using your panoramic mode by moving it just enough to start the camera and then leaving it steady in one spot, the subject of the image, till its done. Try it....you'll like it.