Sunday, November 27, 2011

Welcome to my views of the way to take the best pictures you can.

This is a brief overview of my plans for this blogging adventure.  I see this blog as a way for me to share with all of you my in site on the basics of photography and how to maximize your satisfaction with your own pictures.

As the son of a math teacher I came to learn that if you an learn a few basic principals of something then you can do almost anything.   As with math having just a few basic parts to any & all formulas that are used to reach an answer, even the most complicated of equations eventually are addition or subtraction.  Good photography isn't much different.  I see just 5 rules to keep in mind when using a camera.  They are listed below, and will be the basis of the next few blogs.

The 5 basic rules:
1- Shoot with passion.
2- Know your camera.
3- Fill the frame.
4- Use the flash...and the sun.
5- Think about it.

That's all for today.  As I said I will be posting more about these basic rules, and I will also be sharing  how to's about special shots that make people go wow.  So please feel free to ask me anything you want.